Extraction Script
#!/bin/bash fullfilepath=$1 filename="${fullfilepath%.*}" echo $filename #determine file extension extension=$(ffmpeg -i "$fullfilepath" 2>&1 | grep Audio|sed 's/.*Audio: \([a-z0-9]\+\).*/\1/ig') echo $extension audiofilename="$filename.$extension" echo $audiofilename ffmpeg -i "$fullfilepath" -vn -acodec copy "$audiofilename" #ffmpeg -i "$fullfilepath" -vn -ab 160k -ac 2 -ar 44100 "$filename.mp3"
Extract Audio in Video as MP3
find . -name "*.flv" -type f -exec ffmpeg -n -i '{}' -ab 256k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vn -copyts '{}.mp3' \;
# investigate video ffmpeg -i video.mp4 # extract by copy aac codec ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn -acodec copy audio.aac # extract and convert audio to mp3 ffmpeg -i video.flv -ab 160k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vn audio.mp3 -i indicates the input -ab indicates the bit rate (in this example 160kb/sec) -vn means no video ouput -ac 2 means 2 channels -ar 44100 indicates the sampling frequency.
ffmpeg -i video.flv -ab 256k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vn audio.mp3
Extract mp3 audio from all video files in a directory
for f in "*.flv"; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -ab 256k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vn "$f.mp3"; done
Test scripts
#extect with encodin #ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -vn -acodec copy a.aac #ffmpeg -i video.flv -ab 160k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vn audio.mp3 # http://www.coolutils.com/formats/mp4 #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/965053/extract-filename-and-extension-in-bash #filename_with_ext=$(basename "$fullfilepath") #extension="${filename_with_ext##*.}" #filename="${filename%.*}" #filename="${fullfile##*/}" #for f in *.flv *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -ab 256k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vn "$f.mp3"; done #for f in *.flv *.mp4; do sh -x ./audio.sh "$f"; done # extract with existing encodin ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -vn -acodec copy a.aac ffmpeg -i video.flv -ab 160k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vn audio.mp3 a@a:$ ffmpeg -i a.flv > res.txt 2&1 a@a:$ grep Audio res.txt Stream #0:1: Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 131 kb/s Stream #0:1: Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 131 kb/s a@a:~$ grep Audio res.txt ffmpeg -i a.flv 2>&1 | grep Audio|sed 's/.*Audio: \([a-z0-9]\+\).*/\1/ig' ffmpeg -i SOURCE.mp4 -vn -acodec copy a.aac #ffmpeg -i a.flv 2>&1 | grep Audio|sed 's/.*Audio: \([a-z0-9]\+\).*/\1/ig' # ffmpeg print to stderr on default ffmpeg -i a.flv 2>&1 | grep -i Duration ffmpeg -i a.flv 2>&1 | grep -i Audio
1. http://linuxpoison.blogspot.de/2010/04/how-to-extract-audio-from-video-file.html
2. http://www.coolutils.com/formats/mp4
3. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/965053/extract-filename-and-extension-in-bash