Author: Gugu Ncube
Unix – CPU and Memory – Monitoring and Analysis
VMSTAT vmstat 1 htop sudo apt-get install -y htop sudo htop atop sudo apt-get install atop -y sudo atop How to Find the Most Memory taking process in Ubuntu Linux Some Times system administrators need to kill the memory eater process. When your system become slower, check the following command and find the memory eater.…
Ubuntu – Firefox Issue: The page isn’t redirecting properly
The Fix sudo apt-get purge -y firefox firefox-* cd ~ sudo rm -rf .mozilla/firefox/ .macromedia/ /etc/firefox/ /usr/lib/firefox/ /usr/lib/firefox-addons/ sudo apt-get purge -y firefox firefox-* sudo apt-get install -y firefox Also don’t delete cookies after the re-installation, if you imported data on the first run from Chrome or Opera.
Ubuntu – Fixing locate errors – perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings
Generate new Locales perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LC_PAPER = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LC_ADDRESS = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LC_MONETARY = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LC_NUMERIC = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LC_TELEPHONE = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LC_IDENTIFICATION = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LC_MEASUREMENT = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LC_CTYPE = “UTF-8”, LC_TIME = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LC_NAME = “de_DE.UTF-8”, LANG = “en_US.UTF-8” are supported and installed on…
ffmpeg – Extracting mp3 or AAC Audio from a FLV or MP4 Video
Extraction Script #!/bin/bash fullfilepath=$1 filename=”${fullfilepath%.*}” echo $filename #determine file extension extension=$(ffmpeg -i “$fullfilepath” 2>&1 | grep Audio|sed ‘s/.*Audio: \([a-z0-9]\+\).*/\1/ig’) echo $extension audiofilename=”$filename.$extension” echo $audiofilename ffmpeg -i “$fullfilepath” -vn -acodec copy “$audiofilename” #ffmpeg -i “$fullfilepath” -vn -ab 160k -ac 2 -ar 44100 “$filename.mp3” Extract Audio in Video as MP3 find . -name “*.flv” -type f -exec…
Lean Virtual Servers in Germany 2015
The following companies offer virtual servers on transparent, lean and competitive prices. Additionally all their offers are easily cancellable monthly via online interface 🙂, 7,99 EUR, 2Core, 6GB, 500GB HDD,, 7,99 EUR, 2Core, 6GB, 120GB HDD, 6,50 EUR, 4Core, 2GB, 250GB HDD, 6,40 EUR, 3Core, 2GB, 100GB…
Mac OSX – Kodak Printer issues
After updating OSX, printong to a Kodak printer stopped working. To fix this, just “terminal” in the spotlight search In the terminal, paste the following commands 🙂 sudo sh -c ‘echo “Sandboxing Relaxed” >> /etc/cups/cups-files.conf’ sudo launchctl stop org.cups.cupsd References 1.
Ubuntu – Postgres 9.4 Installation in Ubuntu 14.04
# remove the old postgres version (not data) sudo apt-get remove -y postgresql postgresql-9.3 # add package sources list, key and update sudo sh -c “echo ‘deb trusty-pgdg main’ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list” wget –quiet -O – | sudo apt-key add – sudo apt-get update -y –fix-missing sudo apt-get install -y libpq-dev postgresql-9.4 References 1.…
Ubuntu – insserv – Error Fix – Can’t exec “insserv”: No such file or directory
Setting up postgresql-common (165) … Can’t exec “insserv”: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/update-rc.d line 203. update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header dpkg: error processing package postgresql-common (–configure): ln -s /usr/lib/insserv/insserv /sbin/insserv References 1.
Virtualbox – Share Ubuntu and Mac OS Folders to a Ubuntu Guest Server
Virtualbox – Sharing Folders with the correct permissions # Add current user to vboxsf group in Ubuntu guest OS sudo usermod -aG vboxsf $USER #You can access the share by making the user, or group id of 1000, a member of group vboxsf. #This is done by changing the vboxsf line in the /etc/group file.…
Ubuntu – Sudo commands without password in Linux sudoers
Automatically add current user to the sudoers file if sudo grep -q “$USER ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL” /etc/sudoers; then echo “passwordless sudo already active” else echo “setting sudo without password for $USER”; sudo sh -c ‘echo “‘$USER’ ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL” >> /etc/sudoers’ fi Logout or Reboot sudo logout sudo reboot Doing the above Steps Manually sudo visudo [sudo]…